Due to taking the unintended rest day yesterday, we decided on making the journey north to Flagstaff in one day.
It was another big day as we had the best part of 100 miles to cover across land that ain't flat. Awake at 5 (a time zone mistake, obviously) we were rolling by half 7 after another top breakfast burrito.
We said our goodbyes to Devin and Laurel, all-round lovely and generous hosts who made us feel like part of the family for the two nights we stayed.
The immediate section along the 87 out of Payson was probably the most unsafe I've felt on the whole trip. Such animosity. The road itself is gorgeous, however the lack of shoulder coupled with twists and incline makes for uncomfortable riding. Cars here are obviously not used to dealing with cyclists. One: they don't view waiting behind you for a suitable time to pass as an option whatsoever, instead just swerving wildly out into the oncoming lane around blind corners. Two: they view the cyclist as the problem and all frustration is directed towards the rider. Cycling is such a terrible use of a public road, isn't it?
First task was to climb over the Mogollon Rim which took us through the pine forests. Back up to 2300 metres elevation. It's amazing how quickly the scenery has changed from desert and cacti galore a day ago into dense pine forest today, and it'll be the Grand Canyon tomorrow. What a fascinating land.
We arrived at Joseph's house as the sun was setting. The greenery of today has been a pleasant shift in scenery. Flagstaff seems pretty with the bulk of Mt. Humphreys looming over town to provide an impressive backdrop.
Day 48: Flagstaff, AZ
A lazy day full of coffee and overpriced Whole Foods Market fare. Really, it's disgusting the prices of shopping at organic markets and similar places here. It commands the obvious slight premium back in the UK, but eating healthily here must be crippling! Maybe it's because I struggle to find the restraint at all the fancy pants items in the supermarket aisles.
Joe and his friends have a weekly BLT night; Joe supplies the bacon, everybody else brings another constituent part. So good.
I'm having a real dilemma of where to take this trip after the Grand Canyon. Ken has a much longer time in the country than I do, planning on a loop through Utah and across Nevada. I've decided to skip Nevada as I don't see much value in cycling boring roads for week when my time is limited. Where to go?
I think I'll come back to Flagstaff after the Canyon, get the train to Los Angeles and cycle the coast up to San Francisco and Northern California.
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